Hi I'am

Diana Novita

Front-end Developer based in Indonesia
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Featured Project which my best projects be choice to show
Diana's AI Quotes Generator Project

Quotes Generator AI

Built an Quotes generator AI during a 2-week SheCodes workshop focused on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and APIs. Leveragingnewly acquired skills in web development and AI integration, the project features a minimalist interface that dynamically displays AI-generated inspirational quotes. This project demonstrates the ability to combine front-end technologies with AI to create an engaging user experience.

Weather App

Developed a Vanilla JavaScript weather application as part of SheCodes Plus, an intensive 8-week advanced JavaScript coding workshop. This project allowed me to deepen my expertise in APIs, real-world development workflows, hosting, and advanced JavaScript concepts. By integrating these skills, I successfully created a fully functional weather application that delivers accurate, real-time weather data in a user-friendly interface.

Diana's vanilla weather
Diana's Clock Project

World Clock App

Created a World Clock application as part of the SheCodes Plus Add-On, an intensive online workshop. This project involved using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a functional world clock. Additionally, I enhanced my skills in version control with Git and GitHub, mastered real-world development workflows, and implemented technologies to ensure accurate time data.

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